Engineering & Technology
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | La Wun Paing |
This paper studied about the analysis of existing downdraft gasifier to generate electricity and power for rice mill. Power generation from biomass resources has started to attract public attention with gasification technology as a method to reduce air pollution. Myanmar has enormous amount of biomass resources potential in the form of agricultural residues (rice straw, rice husk) which are currently used for domestic energy and fuel applications mostly through combustion. These can be best utilized for the production of producer gas or synthetic gas that can be used for electricity production by using internal combustion engine generator for the operation of rice mills and electrification plan especially in Ayeyarwady Region where national grid network is not available yet. In accordance with theoretical calculation, the current design for rice mill operation and household purpose can produce maximum generator power (97.16 kW); however, which will be vary depending upon load application. This study analyses both of the output power generation from this gasifier and the rate of fuel (rice husk loose type) consumption.