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The Mediating Role of Work Environment in The Relationship between Supervisor’s Cooperation, Career Growth and Job Satisfaction among Manufacturing Firms in Batangas

Volume: 119  ,  Issue: 1 , February    Published Date: 22 February 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 477  ,  Download: 328 , Pages: 79 - 92    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001191220234485


# Author Name
1 Celine A. Gebe


COVID-19 pandemic, not surprisingly, is a major factor in why many workers are rethinking their employment situation and want to pursue a more meaningful and fulfilling job. Many of the employees felt their career has been stalled and have seen stagnation in salary growth, career advancement and skills development. This quantitative correlational study determined the relationship between supervisors cooperation, career growth and job satisfaction. Similarly, this research assessed the mediating role of the work atmosphere to the supervisors cooperation, career growth and job satisfaction among manufacturing firms in Batangas. This study used an adapted survey questionnaire. The researcher employed statistical tools such as Weighted Mean, Pearson Correlation, Mediation Analysis following the Baron and Kenny. The study randomly selected 121 respondents using a four-point Likert-type questionnaire. The relationship of independent variables such as supervisors cooperation and career growth were statistically assessed against the dependent variable such as job satisfaction with the mediating variable of work atmosphere. The results presented clearly show that career growth is fully mediated by work atmosphere while supervisors cooperation is partially mediated by work atmosphere.  This means career growth indirectly influences job satisfaction through work atmosphere while supervisors cooperation directly influences job satisfaction through work atmosphere.


  • Work Atmosphere; Job Satisfaction; Career Growth; Supervisor