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Some Consideration On Cataract Surgery With IOL Implant

Volume: 117  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 19 January 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 470  ,  Download: 325 , Pages: 48 - 52    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001171120234433


# Author Name
1 Duong Dieu


Useful vision after cataract surgery and implantation of intraocular lens (IOL) depends on surgical techniques, measurement of refractive parameters as well as adaptation of the patient. (neural adaptation). Multifocal or progressive lenses, if used prior to cataract surgery, are relatively more adaptable. Results of visual acuity after IOL implantation surgery depends on surgical techniques, on setting the correct refraction first and then the quality of the IOL after, lastly  on adaptation of the patient (neural adaptation). The IOL manufacturing process of different brands is not the same and it is recommended to use the same brand IOL for both eyes Identification of multifocal IOLs through bio microscopy is essential for both doctors and patients in using it. The objective of this paper is to note some characteristics of lens aberrations, types of IOL and surgical selection procedures with IOL for better vision.


  • lens aberrations; implantation of intraocular lens; multifocal IOLs; vision.