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Grouping of Regencies and Cities in East Java Based on Adequacy of Human Resources for Health with Cluster Analysis

Volume: 115  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 29 December 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 369  ,  Download: 275 , Pages: 521 - 534    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011511220224384


# Author Name
1 Antonio Nikolas Manuel Bonar Simamora
2 Rudy Hardiyanto
3 Sediono
4 Azizah Andzar Ridwanah
5 Saraswati Retno Gumilang


One part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is achieving a healthy and prosperous life. In the health sector, the SDGs are realized through the Healthy Indonesia Program with three pillars: a healthy paradigm, health services, and national health insurance. One of the things that support the achievement of these three pillars is the quality of health human resources. Improving health services, optimizing management governance, and evenly distributing Human Resources for Health (HRH) are important to be considered. The insufficient availability of HRH, both in number, type, and qualifications, and uneven distribution has an impact on the low access of the community to quality health services. East Java is one of the provinces with the second largest population in Indonesia, which has a high need for HRH. An analysis of the distribution of HRH in each area of ​​East Java Province was carried out in this study. This study classified regencies and cities in East Java based on the type of HRH. This research was conducted using hierarchical and non-hierarchical analysis methods. The optimal number of clusters was determined with the greatest Pseudo-F value, while the best cluster analysis was obtained by looking at the smallest internal cluster dispersion rate (ICD rate) and greatest R2. After grouping, the results of the K-Means method, which included non-hierarchical cluster analysis, were able to perform the most optimal grouping with ICD rate 0.0835 and R2 0.9165. By implementing policy strategies that are in accordance with regional clusters, efforts to achieve good health and welfare could take place efficiently and comprehensively in East Java.


  • East Java Province
  • SDGs
  • Cluster Analysis
  • Human Resources for Health