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The Prevalence of Adolescent Anemia among Students in Islamic Boarding School and It’s Correlation with Nutrition Status and Age

Volume: 115  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 27 December 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 292  ,  Download: 271 , Pages: 401 - 408    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011511220224374


# Author Name
1 Bagus Adjie Dwi Hendrarto
2 Retno Asih Setyoningrum
3 Yetti Hernaningsih


Background: The prevalence and risk factors of anemia among adolescents in Islamic boarding schools varies from place to place and tends to be higher than the national prevalence of anemia in Indonesia. By knowing the prevalence of adolescent anemia among students in Islamic boarding schools and determining its correlation with nutrition status and age, we can make preventive procedures. Objective: the prevalence of anemia in Islamic boarding school and Its Correlation with Nutrition Status and Age there. Methods: The research is an observational analytic descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The research instrument to be used are questionnaire for students information, students weight and height measurements, and hemoglobin levels. The collected data will be divided based on research variables and formed into a frequency distribution table. The data will then be analyzed descriptively and statistically. Result: the prevalence of adolescent anemia is 17.5%. It was found that nutrition status (p value = < 0,01) and age (p value = 0,03) have correlation together with the incidence of adolescent anemia in Islamic boarding school. Conclusion: the prevalence is 17.5%, which is lower than the studies I have read. nutrition status and age have correlation together with the incidence of adolescent anemia in Islamic boarding school.


  • islamic educational institution
  • Anemia
  • adolescents
  • risk factors
  • Prevalence