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Quality of Life In Post ICU COVID Patients: A Literature Review

Volume: 115  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 19 December 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 312  ,  Download: 282 , Pages: 221 - 226    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011511220224309


# Author Name
1 Ahmad Akmaluddin
2 Bambang Pujo Semedi
3 Andriati
4 Isnin Anang


Patients who have survived the COVID-19 outbreak around the world still exhibit signs of the sickness while having negative clinical tests. According to the National Institute of Excellences recommendations, Post COVID-19, also known as Long COVID-19, refers to signs and symptoms that appeared during or after a disease that is consistent with COVID-19 and that persist for more than four weeks without being explained by another diagnosis.  This literature study aims to identify the signs and symptoms that happen after covid recovery as well as its effects on quality of life.


  • Keywords: Post – Covid 19; ICU Patients ; Quality of Life