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The Country By Country Ranking of Pension Systems in The World, A Multiple Discriminant Analysis Using Data from the Mercer CFA Institute’s Global Pension Index 2021.

Volume: 115  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 16 December 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 416  ,  Download: 336 , Pages: 44 - 62    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011511220224279


# Author Name
1 Mackred Dinga


This study examined the validity of the Mercer Global Pension Index using multiple discriminant analysis. The index data for 43 countries in the Index Report 2021 was obtained and a ranking score developed. The three predictors adequacy, sustainability and, integrity, which were individually composite variables, were analyzed to determine the extent to which they influence the ranking of the pension systems. The findings confirm that adequacy, sustainability and integrity of the pension system all have a significant influence on the ranking of pension systems in the world as provided in the Mercer Global Pension Index report of 2021.


  • Adequacy
  • Sustainability
  • Integrity