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Clinical Profile Of Diabetes Mellitus Patients With COVID-19 In Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya

Volume: 115  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 16 December 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 385  ,  Download: 319 , Pages: 37 - 43    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011511220224265


# Author Name
1 Zahra Rabiatul Zhafira
2 Sony Wibisono Mudjanarko
3 Muhammad Faizi
4 Hermawan Susanto


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic were designated as worlds major health problem. Its impact has cause significant morbidity and mortality, especially for diabetes mellitus patients which more likely to acquire poorer prognosis because of the inflammatory conditions and COVID-19s effect on glycemic control. A better depiction is needed to understand these disease and how they corelate. Purpose: This study aims to give a better depiction of COVID-19 patients with diabetes mellitus. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was conducted in special isolation room of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya on diabetes mellitus patients with COVID-19 that is ³ 18 years old. Patients data including demographic characteristic, COVID-19 characteristic, and diabetes mellitus characteristic were collected and analyzed. Results: Male patients dominated the studys population (50,3%). Most patients were in the age of 56 – 65 years old (34.1%). Patients mean oxygen saturation were 92 ± 0.08 and most were categorized as severe (35.4%). Patients mean random blood glucose were 263.1 ± 142.1 and some patients acquire chronic microvascular and macrovascular complications such as diabetic foot (11.4%) and diabetic retinopathy (0.3%). Most patients survived the disease (56.4%). Conclusion: COVID-19 infection in diabetes mellitus patients caused a tendency of oxygen saturation decline and poorer glycemic control which resulted in severe condition that needed an intensive care.


  • COVID-19
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • oxygen saturation
  • random blood glucose