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Stability and Thermal Conductivity Studies of MWCNTs Nanofluids

Volume: 15  ,  Issue: 1 , October    Published Date: 08 November 2018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 900  ,  Download: 530


# Author Name
1 N.Pravin Diliban


The results of the experimental research to enhance the thermal conductivity of the distilled water (DW) by dispersing Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) have been presented in this article. Stability of the mixed fluid was improved by preparing a stable suspension of MWCNT in base fluid (water). The influence of parameters such as volume fraction of MWCNT added, sonication time, and type of surface modifier added and stability of Nano fluids were studied in detail. Solid volume fraction of MWCNTs were taken in 0.115%, 0.23% and 0.46%. Polysorbate 80 and CTAB 1 was used as surface modifiers, the results show that, the nanofluids which contained higher value of volume fractions show the higher value of thermal conductivity comparing to the base fluid (water), Polysorbate 80 show 0.71 W/mK and CTAB 1 show 0.714 W/mK And viscosity of the fluid show higher value to the nanofluid comparing to the base fluid and the nanofluid which consist CTAB 1 as surface modifier shows zeta potential value as 33,  which was considered as most stable nanofluid sample. Thermal properties of the nanofluid where evaluated using KD 2 Pro thermal analyser and the results shows that the conductivity is higher for the sample with higher volume fraction and also shows that the conductivity of the sample with CTAB I is higher than the conductivity of the sample with Polysorbate 80 and without surface modifier. It clearly explicates that the addition of the surface modifiers will boost the stability of the sample and it will decrease the thermal properties of the sample.



  • CTAB 1;Distilled Water (DW);Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT);Polysorbate 80;thermal conductivity; volume fraction; Zeta potential.