Arts Literature & Linguistics

Arts Literature & Linguistics

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Saving face-wants in casual talks: A discourse analysis

Volume: 111  ,  Issue: 1 , October    Published Date: 16 October 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 421  ,  Download: 541 , Pages: 17 - 40    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011111020224007


# Author Name
1 Russel J. Aporbo


This politeness study aimed to investigate the different politeness strategies or face-saving acts of teachers as they engaged in casual conversations. This study utilized discourse analysis as research method in identifying the face-savings acts exhibited from the samples of teachers conversations. The researcher analysed the linguistic corpora using Brown and Levinsons Politeness Theory. Data showed that teachers as interactants observed the use of positive politeness strategies such as: By intensifying interest to the Hearer, By joking, By seeking agreement, By giving offers and promises, By asserting a common ground, By concerning a Hearers wants, By attending to the Hearer, By including both speaker and hearer in the activity and, By using honorifics “Sir and Maam. The negative politeness strategies used by teachers in their actual conversations are: By questioning, By stating FTA as a general rule and By minimizing impositions. Teachers, as they engage in their casual talks, used various politeness strategies to mitigate the threatening acts that may cause damages to the hearers positive and negative face wants. Discourse, as it is, necessitates both hearer and speaker to contribute evenly and observe politeness to successfully convey the message may it be formal or informal setting.


  • discourse analysis
  • face-wants
  • casual talks