Medicine, Health & Food
Volume: 110 , Issue: 1 , October Published Date: 09 October 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 616 , Download: 484 , Pages: 414 - 419
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011011020223945
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 616 , Download: 484 , Pages: 414 - 419
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011011020223945
# | Author Name |
1 | Natchaya Aiadkaeo |
2 | Thunyathon Rianglaem |
3 | Pitithas Lila |
4 | Sukrita Pin-ngam |
5 | Napasadol Saeyang |
6 | Sasirat Jongrattanamongkon |
7 | Panisara Kunchanaroj |
8 | Kantichakorn Kasikitkonkun |
Background: Borax was used in a variety of processed food products. Excessive levels of Borax in food can cause a lot of health effects. Processed foods have been become popular due to social factors and lifestyle changes. Objective: To determine the Borax in samples of meatball products sold to consumers. Method: Borax contamination in samples of sausage products were determined by using Borax test kit produced by Pharmacy Organization Thailand. Result: Out of 43 meatball samples, consisting of chicken, fish, meat, mixed, pork and shrimp, Borax was detected in 26 samples, representing 60.47%, the highest percentage of the first 3 samples of 10 fish ball samples, Borax was detected in 7 samples, representing 70%, followed by 75% of the 8 meatball samples, and 75% of the 6 samples found Borax and a total of 16 pork ball samples found borax in 10 samples, representing 62.50%.Conclusion: Borax was detected in meatball products sold to consumers 62.50% of total samples studied.