Arts Literature & Linguistics
Volume: 110 , Issue: 1 , October Published Date: 03 October 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 621 , Download: 944 , Pages: 86 - 119
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011011020223952
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 621 , Download: 944 , Pages: 86 - 119
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011011020223952
# | Author Name |
This qualitative corpora-based study examined the content of the critiques of Grade 10 world literature students in one of the Division of Davao del Norte schools as they analyzed a story reflected in the Self-Learning Module. This study aimed to identify the approaches to literary criticism used by the students as their literary frameworks in interpreting the story. These approaches were based on the Literary Theory and Schools of Criticism proposed by Dobie (2011). It also investigated how the approaches to literary criticism may benefit students in writing critiques. The results of the study showed that reader-response criticism, Marxist criticism, formalist criticism, feminist criticism, psychological criticism, and deconstructive criticism were present in the critiques of the students. On the other hand, literary criticisms may benefit students through understanding meaning, establishing philosophy, discovering history, and developing their writing skills. Literary criticisms, in general, foster critical thinking, and it is advised that literary criticism must be intensified in the teaching-learning process in order to produce citizens who are critical thinkers and to contribute to UNESCOs Sustainable Development Goal 4, which is the quality education, and in support to DepEd Basic Education Development Plan 2030 (BEDP 2030) which aimed to embed critical thinking as one of the 21st-century skills, and address the significant component of the reskilling/upskilling of teachers in Sulong Edukalidad which were formulated to address the poor students performances in PISA 2018.