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History and the Changing Nature of Tahfiz and Tajwid in Sokoto Metroplis: From the time of the Sokoto Jihad Leaders to the Contemporary Period (1804-2018)

Volume: 14  ,  Issue: 1 , October    Published Date: 21 October 2018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 984  ,  Download: 1034


# Author Name
1 Bello Abubakar




 Qur’an as a book of Allah that contains the comprehensive way of life was preserved and protected by Almighty Allah (SWT) through different ways as he promised in the Qur’an. The best way of preserving any piece of knowledge is by committing it into memory. The Noble Prophet (SAW) taught his companions the verses of the Qur’an and motivated them to memorize the entire Qur’an by expressing the virtues of Qur’anic memorizers. He also ascertains that the best among you is he who learnt Qur’an and teaches (others). These and many other reasons make the Ummah ( right from the time of the Noble Prophet (SAW), his companions, the time of the Tabi’un and their followers e.t.c) to strive hard to preserve the book of Allah that contains total guidance to humanity. The process of teaching and learning Qur’an (tahfiz and Tajwid) in Nigeria and in Sokoto specifically followed through different stages. This paper examines the historical nature of Tahfiz and Tajwid in Sokoto metropolis tracing the history from the time of the Sokoto Jihad leaders to our contemporary period. The paper also discussed on the factors that led to the development of tahfiz and tajwid in the area.