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The Role and Trust Toward World Health Organization (WHO) in Managing Covid-19 Pandemic: Network and Text Analysis in @Who Twitter

Volume: 109  ,  Issue: 1 , September    Published Date: 21 September 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 470  ,  Download: 291 , Pages: 28 - 53    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001091920223899


# Author Name
1 Dr. Nuriyati Samatan
2 Ahmad Fatoni
3 Ahmad Nasher
4 Endah Purwitasari
5 Herlinda


The purpose of this study is to analysis the role and trust toward World Health Organization (WHO) in managing Covid-19 pandemic, through social media twitter. This research is to compare the network and public trust on a three (3) different time period. This study employs social network analysis method and text analysis on @WHO twitter account. Researcher used Netlytic and Gephi Software to retrieve data on social media and to calculate network statistic. Data used is based on 3 different time period, they are, 27 February, 20 March, and 9 April 2020. More than 7500 node and 15.000 edges were collected for this research. The result of this study suggests that @WHO account network is very large, but is not fully utilized. The lack of information disclosed by WHO through their Twitter account and one-way communication, have resulted in many negative accusations toward WHO in managing the pandemic. The most frequent accusation directed is the inability of WHO and Dr. Tedros in managing Pandemic, WHO and China are collaborating in hiding the data on Pandemic, and accusation that the pandemic is a pretence and politic of China. WHO Twitter account has become public attention for seeking information on the Pandemic, however this organization has yet to carry out two-way communication on answering public question directed to them. This research sought to see the role and trust of WHO as an organization responsible in managing the Pandemic through social media twitter by comparing three result on a different time period and to analyse the content of the message directed towards WHO.


  • pandemic
  • WHO
  • twitter