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Effect of Soaking Period and Operating Speed on Performance of a Soybean Dehulling Machine

Volume: 108  ,  Issue: 1 , September    Published Date: 09 September 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 597  ,  Download: 449 , Pages: 281 - 285    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001081920223870


# Author Name
1 Ogunsola, F.O.
2 Adesope, A.J.
3 Lasis, D.
4 Siyanbola, A.A.
5 Nasirudeen, A. R.


The effect of soaking period and operating speed on dehulling efficiency of soybeans dehulling machine was investigated using a full factorial design to develop an experimental design of two factors (soaking period and operating speed), three levels design and the response was chosen to be the percentage dehulling efficiency. It was observed that dehulling efficiency ranging from 45.4 to 81.8% was obtained. The response obtained were subjected to statistical analysis and it showed that all the individual factors considered have a significant effect on dehulling efficiency of soybeans dehulling machine.


  • Performance
  • soaking period
  • operating speed
  • efficiency