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Radiographic Evaluation of Flatfoot in East Java Profesional Atlhete with Plantar fasciitis

Volume: 107  ,  Issue: 1 , August    Published Date: 27 August 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 540  ,  Download: 572 , Pages: 163 - 170    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001071820223777


# Author Name
1 Ratih Sulistyowati
2 Alfian Hasbi
3 Anandhika Dwijaya
4 Rosy Setiawati
5 Paulus Rahardjo


Objective: Weight resistance during exertion and overactivity in athletes is at risk of injury to the lower extremities and will decrease curvature of the plantar arch. With radiographs, we can perform initial imaging studies for evaluation of flat-foot, and there are several radiographic measurements that can indicate the degree of flat-foot deformity. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the radiographic measurements of the feet that can predict flat-foot in athletes with plantar fasciitis Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 112 samples from 56 athletes (n = 112) with complaints such as foot pain and from an ultrasound study proved to have plantar-fasciitis assuming a plantar-fascia approximately 4 mm. This is a descriptive observational retrospective study with cross sectional design. The study data consisted of the patient's medical records , ankle radiographic and plantar-fascia ultrasound study results which were collected through consecutive sampling. Foot arch type determined using radiographic ankle with calcaneal inclination angle and tarsal first metatarsal angle. Results: After selecting the sample based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the number of samples was 112. Flat-foot was found in 75 sample (70,5 %) with calcaneal inclination angle, 54 sample (48,2%) have flat-foot and plantar-fasciitis. With talar fist metatarsal angle examination found 62 sample (55%) flatfoot, 39 sample (34,8%) have flat-foot and plantar-fasciitis Conclusion: Flat-foot can be predicted by radiographic evaluation using calcaneal inclination angle and talar first metatarsal angle examination. Calcaneal inclination angle is considered more helpful to determine flatfoot than talar first metatarsal angle


  • radiographic
  • flatfoot
  • plantar fasciitis
  • human & health
  • Calcaneal inclination angle
  • Talar first metatarsal angle