Earth, Energy & Environment
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1239 , Download: 692
# | Author Name |
1 | Longonje Simon |
Rio del-ray mangrove forest is found in South West Region, Cameroon. The extent of land use and mangrove forest cover changes in area was investigated using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Land use and mangrove forest changes over the past 24years were analyzed, which revealed the occurrence of significant land use and mangrove forest transformation from one land use class to another. During the studied period of 24 years (1992-2016), cultivated lands increased by 39.24%, settlements increased by 57.34% and mangrove forests decreased by 8.25%. The study concludes that, there have been significant changes in land use pattern and mangrove forest cover in Rio del-ray mangrove Forest in Cameroon which require concerted actions to reverse the changes. The establishment and enforcement of different laws and regulations relating to natural resources and land use planning could improve land tenure and resource use in villages bordering the forest.