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SHG Members Perception: An Empirical Study of Vijayawada City, Andhra Pradesh

Volume: 13  ,  Issue: 1 , September    Published Date: 07 October 2018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 859  ,  Download: 517


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Micro Finance is emerging as a powerful tool for poverty alleviation in the economy. In India, micro finance scene is dominated by SHG-Bank linkage Programme as a cost effective mechanism for providing financial services to the ‘unreached poor’. Self-help groups (SHGs) have emerged as an effective mechanism of empowerment as well as being an efficient mode of technology dissemination. Micro finance programme has a positive impact both on economic and social empowerment of women members along with reduction in poverty. The relevance of SHGs as powerful instruments of social, political and economic empowerment of women has also been unanimously accepted in many studies. There are many studies have been conducted on empowerment of women in self help groups across the country from time to time. This paper sheds a light on Members perception on empowerment after joining in SHG’s in Eluru.

Keywords: Micro Finance, Self Confidence, Decision Making Skills, Economic improvement.