Social Sciences & Psychology

Social Sciences & Psychology

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Volume: 105  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 19 July 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 557  ,  Download: 504 , Pages: 157 - 165    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001051720223663


# Author Name


The objective of the study is to find out the relationship of teacher skills and parents? support on leaners? ability in private schools in Pila, Laguna. Specifically, the study attempted to answer the questions; first the level of respondent's perceptions of the teacher's skills in terms of; technology skills; and digital literacy; Second, determine the level of parent support to the respondents in terms of; moral support; and capacity in assisting their child; Third, is the level of learner ability in terms of; critical thinking; digital skills; comprehension; and analysis. Determine the significant relationship between the teachers' skills and learners' ability of junior high school students in private schools in the district of Pila. And lastly, determine the significant relationship between parents' support and the learner's ability of junior high school students in private schools in Pila district. The study was descriptive design and purposive sampling will be employed in the study (300) three hundred selected junior high students, in private schools in the District of Pila It focused on the six (5) sub problems. Furthermore, the finding reveals that the level of respondents? perceptions of the teacher skills as to technology skills and digital literarcy were both verbal interpreted always observed. The level of respondents? perceptions on the parents support in terms of moral support and capaciting in assisting their child are verbal interpretation supportive. The level of learners? ability with regards to critical thinking, digital skills, comprehension and analysis all the variables were verbal interpretation excellent. The relationship between the level of teacher skills and the level of learners? ability. It was noted that weak but positive correlation exists between the teachers? technology skills and the students? critical thinking skill comprehension skill, and analytical skill. The correlations are all significant. Moreover, the relationship between the level of parents support and the level of learners? ability. It was noted that moderate but positive correlation exists between the parent?s involvement and the students? digital skills , comprehension skills, and digital skills. The correlations are all significant. It was concluded that there are significant correlations between the teachers? skill and students? ability thus, the hypothesis is rejected and there are significant correlations between the parents? support and students? ability, therefore, hypothesis is rejected. Based on the study result, it is recommended that the school head may plan the different programs to captivate the needs of the teacher, and the school provides for the necessary needs of the teachers; it will continue and enhance the existing support that the school offered to the teachers.


  • learners ability
  • teacher skill