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Characteristics of ESBL-Infected Intensive Observation Room Patients From 2019-2020 With Microbiology And Resistance Pattern Results

Volume: 104  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 15 July 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 526  ,  Download: 349 , Pages: 1205 - 1215    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001041720223569


# Author Name
1 Ghivari Zuhal Fahmi
2 Prananda Surya Airlangga
3 Juniastuti


BACKGROUND Uncontrolled antibiotic use causes the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, one of which is ESBL. ESBL is a resistance mechanism developed by several gram-negative bacteria which can render beta-lactam antibiotics ineffective against them. Infections caused by ESBL bacteria are on the rise in the whole world and can raise the cost of hospitalisation. Indonesia is one of countries with limited data regarding infections by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Thus, a research regarding the characteristics of Intensive Observation Room patients with ESBL producing bacterial infection is urgent to be researched. METHODS This research is a descriptive retrospective research with the whole ESBL-infected patients? data of RSUD Dr. Soetomo?s Intensive Observation Room from 2019-2020 as its population. Sampling is done by total sampling for all data which fits the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The variables included in this research are patients? age, patients? sex, invasive devices installed, culture samples, bacteria species, and antibiotic resistance patterns. RESULTS Based on available data which fits the inclusion and exclusion criteria, there are 81 patients with 10 patients cultured more than once which results in 91 culture data. From the patients? characteristics, patients? ages are dominated in the 18-60 y/o group with 51 patients (63%), male sex with 47 patients (58%), and appendicitis as the dominant diagnosis with 11 patients (13,6%). Ventilators and Nutrition Tubes are the most installed invasive devices with each being installed in 67 patients (82,7%). Microbiology data shows Escherichia coli is the dominant species with positive results showing from 51 cultures. Amikacin is the antibiotic with the least resistance of all samples.


  • Escherichia coli
  • ESBL
  • intensive care unit
  • Resistance Pattern
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae