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Job Insecurity As Moderation Intention To Quit Toward Employee Engagement Of Commercial Banks In Bandung

Volume: 12  ,  Issue: 1 , September    Published Date: 22 September 2018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1096  ,  Download: 534


# Author Name
1 Rusyandi, Deddy


The employee engagement  will decrease when there is a intention to quit , moreover this intention to quit reinforced by job insecurity . This study aims to analyze the effect of intention to quit job insecurity engagement its impact on performance the banking industry of Bandung. Descriptive and verificative method, used in this study, a total of 317 questionnaires distributed to a frontliner employees of commercial banks. which were sampled using the stratified random sampling technique. The result shows the intention to quit job insecurity high, while the engagement  is low, but the performance slightly higher. intention to quit siginfikan toward engagement to 91,34%, job insecurity effect equal to 69,64%. a direct effect of intention to quit  of 45.86%, while job insecurity has a direct effect of 31.94%, so job insecurity is not a moderating variable of intention to quit  in influencing engagement. While engagement gives effect to performance equal to 45,86%.


  • Performance
  • employee
  • engagemen
  • ; intention to quit
  • job insecurity