Social Sciences & Psychology
Volume: 104 , Issue: 1 , July Published Date: 01 July 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 502 , Download: 526 , Pages: 124 - 129
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001041720223491
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 502 , Download: 526 , Pages: 124 - 129
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001041720223491
# | Author Name |
This study on the relationship of teachers' essential task to the students' behavior and performance: a basis for an intervention plan was conducted utilizing the descriptive method. It aimed to determine the status of the teachers? essential task and the behavior and performance of the three hundred five students towards modular distance learning during the second grading period of the School Year 2021-2022. Specifically, it determined the following 1) the status of the teacher?s essential task in Modular Distance Learning in terms of: communicator, demonstrator, evaluator, educator, and motivator, 2) the level of students? behavior in Modular Distance Learning in terms of: adaptable, communicative, independent, self-regulative, and persevering, 3) the level of students? performance in Modular Distance Learning 4) the significant relationship between the teacher?s essential task in students' behavior in Modular Distance Learning and 5) the significant relationship between the teacher?s essential task in students' performance in Modular Distance Learning. The learners' perception of the status of teachers? essential task as communicators, demonstrators, evaluators, and motivators of the modular distance learning indicates as ?Always Observed?. As regards to the level of students' behavior in modular distance learning with regards to being adaptable, communicative, independent, self-regulative and persevere which signifies as ?Always Observed?. However, the level of students? performance in second grading period with the modular distance learning, shows that there is Low Satisfactory. The study shows that there is a relationship between the teachers? essential task and the student?s behavior with a significant remark while the relationship between teachers? essential task and the student?s performance is not significant. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the relationship between the teachers? essential task to students? behavior are significant and the null hypothesis is rejected while the relationship of teachers? essential task to students? performance in Modular Distance Learning is not significant because of the different factors such as parent involvement, incomplete modules submitted, incompetent answers, lack of interest of students in subject matter and study habits, therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted.