Mathematics & Statistics

Mathematics & Statistics

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Volume: 103  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 23 June 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 659  ,  Download: 1119 , Pages: 621 - 641    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001031620223407


# Author Name


Students learn better when knowledge is connected to concepts they already know and their individual needs are more easily met. Learning in Mathematics become effective when there is a one-to-one interaction between the students and the teachers. It helps students to clarify, explain and reflect on their mathematical skills. From that context, the researcher was inspired to develop an instructional material which will be called SLP or Student Learning Packet which consists of selected topics in Mathematics 10, and this research study determined the acceptability and effectiveness of the SLP- Student Learning Packet in the Students? Performance of Grade 10 of TRACE College, the School Year 2021-2022. It sought to answer the following questions: (1) What is the level of acceptability of the Student Learning Packet in terms of components with regards to specific objectives, content, language used, and concept evaluation; (2) What is the level of acceptability of Student Learning Packet in terms of characteristics with regards to adaptability, appropriateness, usability, and aesthetic value; (3) What is the level of the student?s performance in Mathematics 10 in terms of pre-test and post-test and (4) Do the students? performance has a significant difference in terms of pre-test and post-test? The research design utilized in this study is Quasi-experimental Research Design- In quasi-experiments, the participants are not randomly assigned, and as such, they are used in settings where randomization is difficult or impossible. This is suitable for this study because the researcher conducted a pre-test and post-test in collecting data. In a pretest-posttest design, the dependent variable is measured once before the treatment is implemented and once after it is implemented. The purposive Sampling Technique was used to determine the respondents which are selected based on their availability and purpose. It is composed of 59 Grade 10 online students of TRACE College. The mean and standard deviation are used to measure the acceptability level of the characteristics and components of the student learning packet in Mathematics 10. Paired t-test was used as a statistical treatment to determine the significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores in the performance of the students in Mathematics 10. Findings revealed that most of the teachers who evaluated the student learning packet highly accepted its components which are specific objectives, content, language used, and concept evaluation, and characteristics which are adaptability, appropriateness, usability, and aesthetic value. The pre-test level of the respondents before using the student learning packet in Mathematics 10 already has an average remark. After using the student learning packet, the post-test level became Above Average. This means that their understanding of concepts and theories has exceeded the core requirements and can transfer their understanding skills to solving further Mathematical problems. Lastly, it was found that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test of the Grade 10 students before and after the treatment was given in all the questionnaires given to the respondents. The study shows that Student Learning Packet in Mathematics 10 helped the students in ensuring a better performance after the competencies were met in this New Normal Education.


  • Students Performance
  • Student Learning Packet
  • Mathematics
  • Acceptability