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Anesthesia and Analgesia Management Profile for Otologic Surgery at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya

Volume: 102  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 08 June 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 580  ,  Download: 447 , Pages: 485 - 491    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001021620223325


# Author Name
1 Maulydia
2 Agustina Salinding
3 Nora Ismia Afriani
4 Arya Pradipta


Many Ear-nose-throat (ENT) diseases can be found around us. There are 90 patients with ENT surgery at RSUP Kandou Manado from 2010 ? 2012, with nine patients with otologic surgery. General anesthesia (GA) offers comfort to the patient and ease to the surgeon, but GA could make worsening of hearing also. Pain also make patients uncomfortable even for otologic surgery. That is why determine anesthetic procedure and pain management are important. Material and methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study, conducted in a refferal hospital over a period of one year. Subjects were those who underwent otologic surgery. Data were taken from the Medical Record of the Integrated Surgery Center of the RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya recorded from January to December 2021, then processed descriptively using the SPSS application and presented in the form of tables. Results: Complete data records from 69 patients were available for analysis. Maximum numbers of patients were in age group 20 ? 44 (36.2%). Women were higher from men (60.9%). Most patients were ? 20 years old were in normal nutritional status (58.5%). Most surgeries need more than 240 minutes (43.5%). Most induction agent was propofol (53.6%), with isoflurane as the most frequently inhalation agent (91.3%). Metamizole (52.2%) was the most postoperative analgesic. Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) were the most diagnostic (87.0%), and the most common surgical procedures were canal wall up tympanoplasty (47.9%). Conclusion: General anesthesia still the most choice for otologic surgery. Propofol and isoflurane were the most anesthetic agents for induction and inhalation, and Metamizole is the most common used analgetic.