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Efficacy and Safety of Topical Urea for Treatment Atopic Dermatitis as a Reference in the National Drugs Formulary

Volume: 101  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 30 May 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 530  ,  Download: 627 , Pages: 404 - 410    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001011520223212


# Author Name
1 Almira Syamsuri
2 Menul Ayu Umborowati


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronically relapsing skin disease that occurs most commonly during early infancy and childhood. One of the most important clinical features of AD which results from a dysfunctional epidermal barrier (EB) is very dry skin (xerosis). Moisturizers are often used as supplements to topical and/or systemic anti-inflammatory drugs in various types of skin conditions and disorders. Humectan, this class of moisturizer is used to improve the appearance and texture of skin by filling in the crevices between corneocytes. One of the humectant included in the list of the National Drugs Formulary that is needed and must be available at health service facilities as a reference in the implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI) is urea. The literature searches using Pubmed, Academia, Google scholar and published in the last 10 years. Urea is effectively increasing skin hydration as well as niacinamide, significantly reducing local Scoring Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) and stratum corneum (SC) hydration. Urea had a decrease in transepidermal water loss (TEWL) which was not significantly better than lanolin and ceramide. The ceramide had a lower mean Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score for irritation compared with the urea. More participants also preferred the ceramide-based cream over the urea. Urea is an effective and safe treatment although not as well as ceramide. Ceramide has been shown to be more effective and less irritating than urea. Ceramid can be quite expensive, while urea is a moisturizer that is easily found and accessible to the public.


  • Topical Urea
  • Humectan
  • Moisturizer
  • Atopic Dermatitis