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Symbolic representation of farm in Chinua Achebe?s Things Fall Apart

Volume: 99  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 19 April 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 526  ,  Download: 703 , Pages: 46 - 51    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100991420223080


# Author Name
1 Jufran C. Agustin


In this paper, geographical setting is not just seen as a typical element of a literary work. It goes beyond the notion of where the story had happened. This literary analysis argues that the ?farm? in Chinua Achebe?s Things Fall Apart reveals a symbolic representation of the Igbo identity. Due to the stereotypical descriptions of Africa and the Igbo society, it is imperative to zoom from the postcolonial lens in order to provide another trajectory in analyzing cultural identity. Utilizing textual analysis on Achebe?s most famous novel, specifically on the farm as its setting, the following symbolic representations surfaced: Igbo?s hard work and prosperity; Okonkwo?s patience, perseverance, and persistence; and his renewed hope and faith after his downfall. Among literary classes, critical thinking may also be achieved if an in-depth understanding of the novel will be closely looked into. Of course, that includes the imperative details associated to the geographical setting of the literary work.


  • Chinua Achebe
  • symbolic representation
  • postcoloniality
  • cultural identity
  • Igbo society