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Acculturation and Adaptation of Overseas Filipino Students in Philippine School Doha, S.Y. 2021-2022

Volume: 98  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 08 April 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1029  ,  Download: 1530 , Pages: 113 - 125    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100981420223023


# Author Name
1 Sherilyn D. Apruebo, MAT
2 Elmerson L. Barañao, MAEd
3 Marchen Kirk James I. Docot
4 Anne Margaret B. Ilagan
5 Jewel Mae B. Lecaros


Abstract: Immigration often involves acculturation and adaptation. This study investigated the acculturation and adaptation of Overseas Filipino Students in the Junior High School Department in Philippine School, S.Y. 2021-2022. Specifically, it describes the components of acculturation namely conditions, orientations, and outcomes. Moreover, it investigated the adaptation of the respondents to the environment, language, and social norms. Using quantitative descriptive research design, a survey questionnaire was made and validated. There were 285 respondents in this study who were identified using stratified sampling method. It discusses acculturation and its three components which encompasses; existing circumstances that may affect acculturation, the culture the respondent favors, and the practices and values gained from acculturation. The adaptation focuses more on the respondents? adaptability towards their surroundings, language, and social practices.The results showed that the conditions are favorable for acculturation to take place. Additionally, the orientations of the respondents emphasized maintenance of the heritage Filipino culture to conformity to the mainstream Qatari culture which was further confirmed by the outcomes of the respondents. In terms of adaptation, environmental and linguistic adaptation were rarely manifested while adaptation to the social norms were sometimes manifested. It is duly recommended that parents may focus on the acculturation and adaptation of their children in a foreign land by providing necessary support to cope with the new culture, language, and way of living which are all crucial child?s holistic development. Keywords: Overseas Filipino students; Filipino immigrants; Acculturation; Acculturation conditions; Acculturation orientations; Acculturation outcomes; Acculturation strategies; Cultural adaptation; Linguistic adaptation; Social adaptation


  • Adaptation
  • Acculturation
  • Adaptation
  • Overseas Filipino Students
  • Conditions
  • orientations
  • Outcomes