Computer Science & Electrical
Volume: 9 , Issue: 1 , July Published Date: 07 August 2018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1525 , Download: 1733 , Pages: 88 - 104
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1525 , Download: 1733 , Pages: 88 - 104
# | Author Name |
1 | Mugyenyi Raymond |
2 | Dr. Jack Rusenzweig |
3 | Assoc. Prof Annabella Habinka |
Ever growing technology has resulted into development of many powerful tools that ease the day to running of businesses both small and multipurpose ones. GIS one of most powerful tools handles a variety of operations in businesses that guide in effective decision making processes. This papers explored applications of GIS in decision making of information technology (IT) infrastructure supply companies. a proposed flow chart illustrating all necessary stages in data collection, processing and management towards making relevant business decisions has been developed and examples of GIS applications in line with business decision making have been cited, followed by the general conclusions.