Social Sciences & Psychology
Volume: 93 , Issue: 1 , January Published Date: 30 January 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 579 , Download: 504 , Pages: 434 - 441
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100931120222786
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 579 , Download: 504 , Pages: 434 - 441
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100931120222786
# | Author Name |
1 | Alfiatun Sarasati |
2 | Djamaludin Ancok |
3 | Nilam Widyarini |
An organization requires to conduct some innovate business activities, be passionate and having a high commitment and loyal into the organization. it has to achieve competitive advantage in the global market through managing quality human resources. In the meantime COVID-19 has left the globe in a situation of despondency. Human resource managers are struggling to curb this renunciation of employees and grappling with reduced employee engagement. This article objective is to test and to analyse a model of employee engagement theory in Indonesia. Survey was conducted to 247 employees og state owned enterprise who were selected using by convenience sampling method. Primary data were collected through distribution a set questionare via google form. Then data were analysed by structural equation model. The results show that perception of organizational justice and perceived organizational support are the antecedents variabel of the work engagement and transformational leadership has big indirect effect through the perception of organizational support on the work engagement. The study can be used as a reference for similar studies to compare other interrelated variables among business organization and implementation some pragmatis implication for Ministry of man power.