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Burnout Levels and Knowledge Analysis Regarding Burnout Prevention During Work from Home in Young Adults

Volume: 93  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 16 January 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 436  ,  Download: 389 , Pages: 32 - 37    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100931120222742


# Author Name
1 Hanifah Nabilah
2 Annisya Adinda Febriyanti
3 Azalia Monica Michaela
4 Dewi Ratna Sari


Background: COVID-19 pandemic that has been continuing for 1.5 years has affected the psychological condition of Indonesian people, one of which is severe stress triggered by work or better known as Burnout Syndrome which if it occurs continuously will affect physical and mental health. This condition has a direct impact on health workers, students, employees, especially those who must keep Working from Home (WFH). Therefore, knowledge of productive activities is required to prevent burnout during work from home. Objective: To analyse the knowledge about burnout prevention, the burnout levels and the correlation between work and burnout levels on young adult webinar participants. Methods: This research was descriptive analytics using MBI-GS questionnaires to measure burnout levels, and also using pre-test and post-test about maintaining productivity and preventing burnout during COVID-19 pandemic. Questionnaires were distributed through google forms, before and after the online delivery of materials at SEROTONIN 2021 webinar event. The data were analysed by paired t-test and Chi-square test using IBM SPSS version 23. Results: Total of 163 who filled out MBI-GS questionnaires as well as 51 participants filled the pre-test and post-test questionnaires, with an age range of 18-40 years, most of them were college students. There was a meaningful increase in knowledge by 16.92% from average score of 56.13 to 65.63 (p=0.028). About 55.2% of participants experienced high burnout levels, and 27% of participants experienced very high burnout levels. It was found that there was no correlation between occupation and participant?s burnout levels (p=0.236). Conclusion: Educational information delivered through webinar can increase the young adult?s knowledge on burnout prevention during WFH. Most of the participants experienced high and very high levels of burnout. However, there was no correlation between the occupation and the burnout level of the participants.


  • burnout
  • COVID-19
  • Work from home
  • Mental Health