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The Effect of Calcium on Decreasing Primary Dysmenorrhea Pain Intensity: Literature Review

Volume: 92  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 09 January 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 511  ,  Download: 503 , Pages: 339 - 344    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100921120222664


# Author Name
1 Nana Nurnaeni 
2 Astika Gita Ningrum
3 Jimmy Yanuar Annas


Background : Women in the United States suffer a loss of 600 million, namely the loss of working hours of $ 2 billion per year. While in Indonesia the incidence of pri is high. From the high incidence of primary dysmenorrhea, it causes a lot of losses among productive woman so that treatment is needed to overcom From several reviews of research results, it is clear that providing adequate calcium intake can reduce pain in primary dysmenorrhea. This is calcium on the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea using a literature review study. Methods: this research method uses a literature review. The last 10 years with literature searches obtained from electronic databases in the form of NCBI, PubMed and Google Scholar. Results: Five in the literature review after meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Conclusion: The majority of young women still experience Intensity of primary dysmenorrhea pain is different for each individual, this can be influenced by several factors. In general, the cause of pain is due to physiological Hormonal factors. So that the problem can still be overcome and will disappear with age.


  • Decreasing Primary Dysmenorrhea
  • Calcium intake