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Cost Pattern Comparison between Survivor-and Non-survivor of Mechanically-Ventilated COVID-19 Patients

Volume: 92  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 05 January 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 605  ,  Download: 503 , Pages: 116 - 123    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100921120222688


# Author Name
1 Antonius Abimasetyo Putro
2 K. Kuntaman
3 Bambang Pudjo Semedi


This study aimed to identify the cost analysis between survivor and non-survivor of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients. We conducted a cohort retrospective study analysing the cost comparison among mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients in our hospital, DR.Soetomo Hospital, which is a tertiary referral hospital in our country, from from June to September 2020. COVID-19 patients who was mechanically ventilated was included in our study, but for those who were passed away <24 hours upon ICU admission, or patients who were discharge against medical advice, were excluded from this study. A total of 72 mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients were analysed. These patients were divided into 2 groups: survivor and non-survivor groups. Survivor group consisted of 21 patients and 51 patients in non-survivor group. Baseline characteristics were significantly different for the variables of: body mass index, presenting blood pressure, acute kidney injury complication, prothrombin time, albumin, P/F ratio and SOFA scores. The average total cost spent in survivor group was $3711,7 while in non-survivor group was $5417,7. This result showed a significant finding (p=0.047). Cost distribution pattern was similar in both groups, that cost medical items was the highest cost that spent during ICU stays among mechanically-ventilated COVID-19 patients; but significant difference of medical item cost was documented between survivor and non-survivor group. An average of cost medical items was spent of $1145,5 in survivor group, compared to $2353,8 in non-survivor group (p=0.003). We conclude that non-survivor group of mechanically ventilated patients tend to spend more cost during ICU stays, especially for the medical items cost.


  • COVID-19
  • Discharge outcome
  • Hospital Cost
  • Mechanical ventilator