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The Relationship Between Dysmenorrhea And Physical Activity Of Midwifery And Psychology Students Unair

Volume: 91  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 29 December 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 553  ,  Download: 446 , Pages: 344 - 350    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1009111220212589


# Author Name
1 Feni Priana Nur Chomairoh
2 Euvanggelia Dwilda Ferdinandus
3 Bambang Purwanto


Background: Dysmenorrhea is pain felt during menstruation. Dysmenorrhea is one of the causes of chronic pelvic pain. As many as 45-95% of women of productive age experience dysmenorrhea. The incidence rate of primary dysmenorrhea is 72.89% and secondary dysmenorrhea is 27.11%. A preliminary study of 10 students of Midwifery and Psychology Unair, obtained the results of all students experiencing dysmenorrhea where 7 out of 10 students tend to do light physical activity when experiencing dysmenorrhea. This study aims to find out if there is a link between dysmenorrhoea and physical activity. Methods: The study was conducted from March to November 2021 in the Midwifery and Psychology Study Program of Airlangga University, with 36 respondents taken by random sampling method and used a questionnaire as the instrument. Data analysis using the chi-square test. Results: The study showed that of the 36 respondents mostly felt mild dysmenorrhea, namely as many as 19 students (52.8%), 3 students (8.3%) felt moderate dysmenorrhea, 4 students (11.1%) felt heavy dysmenorrhea, and 10 other students (27.8%) did not feel pain or dysmenorrhea at the time of menstruation were 24 students (66.7%) underwent light physical activity, 10 students (27.8%) underwent moderate physical activity, and 2 other students (5.5%) undergo strenuous physical activity. Chi-Square statistical test results with ? 0.05 showed that the p-value of 0.248 > ? 0.05 so that H0 was rejected. The analysis concluded that there was no relationship between dysmenorrhea and physical activity in midwifery and psychology students. Conclusion: This study concludes that there is no relationship between dysmenorrhea and the physical activity of midwifery and psychology students.


  • students
  • physical activity
  • dysmenorrhea