Social Sciences & Psychology
Volume: 91 , Issue: 1 , December Published Date: 18 December 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 984 , Download: 634 , Pages: 74 - 90
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1009111220212563
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 984 , Download: 634 , Pages: 74 - 90
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1009111220212563
# | Author Name |
1 | Elymar A. Pascual |
2 | Maria Gella M. Perez |
3 | Melody C. Barja |
4 | Margarita C. Bugia, Jr |
This study focused on finding out whether the cultural organization has a significant relationship to the public service of selected sangguniang barangay in Nagcaralan, Laguna, Philippines. Out of 52 barangays, three barangays were selected ? Sabang, Yukos, and Talangan. The survey questions were distributed to the barangay officials as well as to the people in their area ? twenty in each barangay, sixty in all. It was discovered that Brgy. Sabang has a moderate level of commitment, satisfaction, and personal and professional growth. It is the same with Brgy. Yukos which has a moderate level of public service in all indicators. Brgy. Talangan has a high level of public service. In terms of organizational culture, it was found that the perception of the people in Brgy. Sabang on the cultural organization of their sangguniang barangay is collectivism, the officials are far from ruling as well as the people, fatalism is practiced, and the way of leadership is feminine. In Yukos, it is collectivism, far from ruling, aggressivism, and feminism. On the other hand, in Talangan, it is collectivism, far from ruling, fatalism, and masculine. Using the t-test for independent variables, it was found that the most significant relevant public service was the masculine/feminine leadership culture, and this was confirmed by p-values (0.02, 0.02, 0.03, and 0.00) that were lower than the alpha of 0.05. In addition, distance from the leader also affects the personal growth of the officials of the sangguniang barangay (p-value 0.04). Eventually, the writers suggested that officials of sangguniang barangay, as well as local government officials, hold seminars, workshops, or symposiums regarding masculine and feminine culture in an organization, and other related topics. The authors also made a suggestion for young people and future researchers.