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The Correlation of Dietary Fiber Intake with Nutritional Status among Adolescents of Junior High School in Medan, North Sumatera Indonesia

Volume: 91  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 25 December 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 651  ,  Download: 558 , Pages: 265 - 271    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1009111220212613


# Author Name
1 Shifa Yuliani Rambe
2 Winra Pratita
3 Johannes Harlan Saing
4 Arlinda Sari Wahyuni
5 Rita Evalina
6 Wisman Dalimunthe


Background : The prevalence of obesity and overweight are increasing in adolescents. It can be risk factor of obesity , chronic disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease in adulthood. The risk factor of obesity and overweight are high calorie intake and lack of physical activity. Dietary fiber can be an alternative because it is proven to be able to lose weight because it has fewer calories and have filling effect because it has a high viscosity. There are less study benefit of dietary fiber intake in nutritional status in adolescent. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation of dietary fibre and the other factors that caused overweight and obesity among adolescents of Junior high school. Methods: A cross sectional study with total of 102 subjects, including 42% boys and 58,8% girls aged 12-16 with normal weight, overweight and obesity. Dietary fiber information was reported using the food recall for a week and conversion it to self nutrition data. The nutritional status was assessed on the basis of body mass and height measurements with CDC 2000 curve. Data analysis used chi square and logistic regression. Results: There was correlation between dietary fiber intake and nutritional status (p < 0,001) (p < 0,001) with Rasio Prevalence 2,830 (CI 95% = 1,845-4,341). But snack consumption have more correlation with p < 0,001 with Rasio Prevalence 4,782 (IK 95% = 2,075-11,018). Conclusion: The intake of dietary fibre was associated with nutritional status in adolescent, but snack consumption have more correlation.


  • nutritional status
  • dietary fiber
  • adolescent
  • adolescent