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The Relationship of Parent?s knowledge about Cervical Cancer with The Giving of The HPV Vaccination to their Daughter

Volume: 90  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 08 December 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 663  ,  Download: 458 , Pages: 362 - 373    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1009011220212525


# Author Name
1 Nabila Syauqhi Wijanarko
2 Pungky Mulawardhana
3 Sulistiawati


Background: The incidence of cervical cancer in Indonesia ranks second with 10.7% and the death rate ranks third with 10.3% recorded by Globocan in 2018. The HPV virus or Human Papilloma Virus is known as the cause of cervical cancer, especially on viruses types 16 and 18. The Indonesian government is currently planning to add the HPV vaccine to the national immunization program. For Surabaya, HPV vaccination has been running since 2015 in several schools. Methods: This study used an observational analytic method with a cross-sectional approach. The number of sample is as many as 74 respondents, with the sampling technique that is total sampling with the determination of inclusion and exclusion criteria. The independent variable is the knowledge of parents about cervical cancer. The dependent variable is the act of giving vaccinations to students. The data taken is primary data in August 2021. Data analysis uses univariate and bivariate analysis. This study used the chi square statistical test (p < 0.05). Results: The results of this study indicate that 41.9% of respondents who have good knowledge, most of them give HPV vaccination and 10.8% of respondents who have less knowledge, then a small proportion who give HPV vaccination. The results of the chi square test showed a relationship between knowledge and the provision of HPV vaccination (p = 0.01). Conclusion: It is better to conduct socialization first before vaccinating against HPV for mothers and daughters considering the urgency of this vaccination is different from other vaccines.


  • Knowledge; Cervical Cancer; HPV Vaccine; SDGs