Social Sciences & Psychology
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 963 , Download: 1109
# | Author Name |
1 | gokhan koca |
Community policing, a recent paradigm in policing, has been prevailed since the early 1980s. Community policing is a philosophical paradigm involving reality-based approach. In other words, community policing is not a program. Reducing crime rates is one of the primary problems for all governments. Community policing has become one of the most popular attempts for this effort. Many policies established during this effort. But getting tough policies on criminals or creating community policing generally a lack of realizing of why crime takes place and therefore short terms of possible effect by the proposed policies. Community policing has three core components. These are community partnership, organizational change and problem-solving. Police have to develop a positive relationship with the community in order to get a partnership. Police also aware of the specific concerns of the community for problem-solving). Community policing is the recent policing paradigm encompassing various changes supposed to occur in a number of substantive domains. The changes in each domain encompass highly complex processes. Because of its size, it is difficult to assess community policing. It has pros and cons. In keeping in mind the difficulties in assessing the community policing, the pros and cons of the community policing are presented in this study.