Earth, Energy & Environment

Earth, Energy & Environment

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Volume: 88  ,  Issue: 1 , November    Published Date: 15 November 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 690  ,  Download: 588 , Pages: 153 - 171    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1008811120212437


# Author Name
1 Dauda, Dung Dung
2 Nimlang, Henry Nanlok
3 Goyit, Morgak Peter
4 Davou, Yusuf Gyang
5 Matini, Juliana Lyop


Groundwater resources are unevenly distributed in the crystalline basement terrain of Nigeria. Hence, the sustainable development and management of groundwater resource in such terrain requires precise quantitative assessment based on scientific principle and modern techniques. This study deals with the integrated approach of remote sensing, GIS and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in modelling groundwater potential zones within Jos, Northcentral Nigeria. Nigeria Sat - X, ASTER GDEM, topographic and geological maps of the study area are used to generate the various themes; lineaments, geology, drainage, geomorphology, surface water body and slope. Thematic weights are assign to the various layers AHP. The groundwater potential model of the area is produce by integrating the different thematic layers using Weighted Index Overlay Analysis (WIOA) in ArcGIS. Five different potential zones namely; very high, high, moderate, low and very low are determined. The groundwater potential map reveals that some parts in the northwestern, parts of the northeastern and a portion in the extreme southwestern of the study area have very low potential. Low potential is observed in the extreme northwestern, some areas in the northeast and some southwestern parts of the study area. The north central, some northwestern and northeastern as well as southern parts generally exhibits moderate potential. The high and very high groundwater potentiality of the study area is restricted to some parts in the northwest, northeast and few places in the central and southwestern part of the study area. Borehole data obtained from 127 boreholes within the study area where used to validate the groundwater potential of the study area, from which 69.29% coincided with the groundwater potential model.