Business Studies

Business Studies

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Opportunity Seeking to Start Up Business Community Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Next Innovate Way

Volume: 87  ,  Issue: 1 , October    Published Date: 23 October 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 566  ,  Download: 626 , Pages: 107 - 113    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1008711020212376


# Author Name


This study of business opportunities is showing an ability to understand or notice something easily or quickly is an ability of individual that can help to improve and develop the knowledge and skills of the student. The researcher reason in the development and utilization of instructional materials in business opportunities for entrepreneurship subject is to cultivate the availability, creativity and skills of the students to motivate them in pursuing the course and be part of their future career. This study of instructional module for the easy understanding of the training that the academe gave as guide and execution of the project or program that was aligning in the needs of the community. It has been identified that using instructional module to facilitate learning or instructions is not always the issue but how to use it and its availability. The instructional materials that the researchers propose will be urgency response in the new normal of learning. This workbook will guide the potential entrepreneurs?, students in business courses, and presently in operating a business. The increased quantity and quality of instructional module are producing a split from the traditional audiovisual aids approach to the more comprehensive and efficient learning resource concepts. The trainer problem today, is not the lack of materials but how to make the best instructional module use of those available. There are two characteristics of inherent instructional learning, first was the active learning, which involve in learning activities and the second was the continuous nature which cradle to the grave, before school, after school, outside of school and all through life.


  • startups
  • entrepreneurship
  • business opportunity