Medicine, Health & Food
Volume: 83 , Issue: 1 , August Published Date: 23 August 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 569 , Download: 531 , Pages: 24 - 33
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100831820212189
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 569 , Download: 531 , Pages: 24 - 33
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100831820212189
# | Author Name |
1 | Rayi Kurnia Perwitasari |
2 | Irwanto |
3 | Indri Safitri |
Heavy metals globally are known to become major factors to cause birth abnormal. Some elements, such as lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), and chromium (Cr), can move across the placental barrier and the blood-brain barrier, causing neurotoxicity in the fetus. These neurotoxicity effects can lead to congenital and neurological disabilities, developmental delays, behavioral disorders, and learning disabilities through several mechanisms. This systematic review study and meta-analysis used secondary data from articles taken from 2001 to 2020 through the PubMed database, Google Scholar. There were 4 articles for lead that matched the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Analysis using the Revman Review Manager 5.4. The results showed that comparing the lead exposure to The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) score, the effect of magnitude combination was -2.00 (95% CI -3.79; -0.21), p = 0.03 on cognitive development. From this study, it was found that there was an association between prenatal lead exposure and child development.