Arts Literature & Linguistics

Arts Literature & Linguistics

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Volume: 79  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 04 July 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 733  ,  Download: 486 , Pages: 94 - 102    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100791620212018


# Author Name
1 Ni Komang Arini
2 I Nyoman Suparwa
3 Made Sri Satyawati


This study is focused on implicatures in fourth-grade students? books of the 2013 curriculum revision edition in 2016. It aimed at identifying the forms of implicatures and the background contexts which were found in the students' books of the 2013 curriculum theme 6 and theme 9 for the fourth grade of elementary school. This study used implicature theory based on Grice's perspective which distinguished implicatures based on their types, namely conventional implicatures, and unconventional implicatures. In addition, this study also examined the conventional implicatures and conversational implicatures that arise as a result of speakers not obeying the maxims in the principle of cooperation and the maxims contained in the principle of politeness. References to other theories were the context of speech situations and the context of language use. The method used was a qualitative descriptive method. The data collected was in the form of words or written speech. The data was obtained from the fourth-grade elementary school students' book of the 2013 curriculum revised edition in 2016 in two integrated thematic books, namely; theme 6 (Cita-citaku) and theme 9 (Kayanya Negeriku). The results showed that the implicatures found in the sixth and ninth theme students' books were conventional implicatures and non-conventional implicatures. In the student book theme 6, there were 7 conversational implicatures found and in the student book theme 9 found 8 conversational implicatures. Besides that, the researcher also found 4 conventional implicatures in the students' book theme 6 and 8 other conventional implicatures in the students' book theme 9. The maxims that were violated based on the principle of cooperation were the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, and the maxim of relevance. Besides that, the context behind the speech event was in the form of background knowledge that is both understood by the speakers and their speech partners. The context of the purpose of the speech that was found is entirely influenced by the themes proclaimed in each book.


  • Implicature
  • Students' Book
  • 2013 Curriculum