Materials Science

Materials Science

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Acquisition of library materials as a correlation to library services in tertiary institutions.

Volume: 79  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 23 June 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 929  ,  Download: 1545 , Pages: 1 - 12    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100791620211997


# Author Name
1 Rafiu Jimoh Ango
2 Adeyemo Yusuf T


This study was carried out to evaluate the existing acquisitions, management practices and investigate the opinion of the researcher on the efficiency and effectiveness of the library system in tertiary institutions, Research survey method was employed for the study, the instrument used for data gathering were questionnaire and observation methods. The data was analyse by using frequencies and percentages method. The finding deduced that at the initial stage there was a written policy for the library but at the time this research was conducted it was no longer in use. Weeding of the library materials were performed regularly, while the weeded materials were donated and some kept at the basement. The library was not adequately staffed and funded by the library management, vast majority of the users were not satisfied with available materials. The research, therefore, concluded that there is no adequate provision of funds to the library for the acquisition of library materials and application information technology in cataloging and classification of the library materials was not provided. In addition, the following recommendations were made , based on the findings emphasis should be placed on the orderly arrangement of the library materials to facilitate easy location on the shelf . The selection and acquisition of library materials should be decentralize; more professional staff should be employed to handle the collection development process of the library.


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