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Freeze-dried Amniotic Membrane (FD-AM) Application to Fibroblast Growth Factor Expression on Urethral Defect Reconstruction in New Zealand White Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Volume: 78  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 20 June 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 659  ,  Download: 469 , Pages: 145 - 150    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100781620211992


# Author Name
1 Yumna Muzakkir
2 IGB Adria Hariastawa
3 Fendy Matulatan


Introduction: Urethral reconstruction remains a challenge for surgeons. Freeze-Dried Amniotic Membrane (FD-AM) has often been used as a scaffold for the substitution of damaged tissue. Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) assists collagen synthesis in the proliferation phase of wound healing phase. This study aims to determine the importance of the role of fibroblasts in the healing process of urethral defects closed by FD-AM patch. Methods: This study is an experimental study. Total of 36 male rabbits (Oryctolagus sp.) underwent urethroplasty, of which 18 underwent urethral defect reconstruction with FD-AM patches and others underwent primary repair of urethral defects. After 28 days, the urethral wound was observed and the specimen was taken for histopathological examination to calculate the amount of FGF histochemically. Result: There was no relationship between FGF and wound healing in both groups (Spearman test; p=0.670 treatment group; p=0.757 control group). Conclusion: No significant relationship was found between increased FGF and wound healing in this study.