Engineering & Technology
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Mr.Kiran Kangle1 Mr.Saurabh Joshi, ,Mr.Pramod Jadhav, R.A. Nikam |
The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) program is a worldwide initiative to add information technology to transport infrastructure and vehicles. It aims to manage factors that are typically at odds with each other such as vehicles, loads, and routes to improve safety and reduce vehicle wear, transportation times and fuel costs. It has improved transportation safety and mobility and enhances productivity through the use of advanced communications technologies. Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) encompass a broad range of wireless and wire line communications-based information and electronics technologies. When integrated into the transportation system's infrastructure, and in vehicles themselves, these technologies relieve congestion, improve safety and enhance a country’s productivity. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are identified as the means to achieve sustainable and environmental friendly transportation for the 21st Century. Advanced information and communication technologies are required for ITS. These include Data Storage & Processing Equipment, Wire line & Wireless Communication Systems, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Sensors, Smart Cards etc. In addition to the above technologies, institutional and market factors play an important role in successful ITS deployment. ITS application functionality includes collection and processing of real-time data, generating and utilizing information for various purposes such as controlling and managing traffic, handling fleet operations (public transport and private carriers), emergency management and assisting users in their travel related decisions. The benefits of ITS include Reduction of traffic congestion, Enhanced safety, Mitigation of environmental impacts of transportation systems, enhanced energy performance, and improved productivity.Many governments are appreciating the benefits of ITS and deploying them in their regions. As a first step, National ITS architectures were designed by the respective nations, to provide overall guidance to ensure deployment strategy, systems compatibility and interoperability. ITS architecture defines user services, physical subsystems, information flows between subsystems, and communication requirements for deploying ITS applications. As many new technologies arise, ITS technologies are undergoing an evolutionary process. This presents the greatest challenges of deploying ITS systems integration. Challenges presented by ITS deployment include standardization, addressing security and privacy concerns, institutional and inter-agency barriers, and availability of funding, public-private partnership. ITS technologies are user service centric and have been driving ITS development across the world.