Social Sciences & Psychology
Volume: 72 , Issue: 1 , March Published Date: 02 April 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 749 , Download: 511 , Pages: 164 - 170
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100721320201797
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 749 , Download: 511 , Pages: 164 - 170
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100721320201797
# | Author Name |
1 | Anindyah Sekar Rinukti Valiandra |
2 | Prof. Djamaludin Ancok |
Burnout is a phenomenon that is inseparable from work stress which is often found in the profession of human services, a profession engaged in the service sector than in the field of human serviced that require high emotional involvement like the police. The purpose of this study was to increase co-worker's support and self-efficacy to influence the level burnout of Riot police officers. Participants in this study consisted of 70 members of the Riot police who received 20 to 30 years and at least one year in the riot group. Collecting research data using a purposive sampling technique. For data analysis techniques used in this study is the multiple regression analysis. The results indicate a negative relationship between co-worker?s support and self-efficacy on burnout, there is also significant from co-worker?s support and self-efficacy.