Architecture & Civil Engineering
Volume: 72 , Issue: 1 , March Published Date: 13 March 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1045 , Download: 765 , Pages: 1 - 10
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100721320201777
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1045 , Download: 765 , Pages: 1 - 10
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100721320201777
# | Author Name |
1 | M.H. Yusoff |
2 | A.Q. Adeleke |
3 | A.I. Ismail |
Leadership behaviors in modern industries especially the construction industry have become a crucial factor in determining the success of the construction project. The unsuitable culture can have an impact on the organization itself, based on the project management perspective. As for the construction, it is likely to face different problems such as project failure, over budget, delay in terms of scheduling, ineffective management and dissatisfaction of the clients. These problems above show how challenging the construction project is. There are a few characteristics that shows that the construction industry is different from other industries. This is why understanding the leadership behavior is crucial because of the differences that will be faced. To address these issues above, this study aims 1) to determine the influence of visioning on project success among Kuantan Malaysian construction industry; and 2) to determine the influence of coaching on project success among Kuantan Malaysian construction industry. The researcher collected data from 107 respondents among construction companies in Kuantan. In this research, the PLS-SEM technique was used to analyze both the measurement and structural models. The result shows that there is a significant positive relationship between leadership behavior and project success among the construction industry in Pahang, Malaysia. Implications for practice and future research were also discussed.