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Analysis of the Influence of Fulfillment, Responsiveness, Website Design, Privacy on Loyalty through Trust and Satisfaction on Tokopedia Customers in Surabaya

Volume: 69  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 06 February 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 776  ,  Download: 622 , Pages: 398 - 412    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100691120211693


# Author Name
1 Sukristiawan Joel Bolo
2 Ronald Suryaputra
3 Amelia


Along with the technological developments and the high flow of globalization, it has had a tremendous impact on human in all over the world. The development of information technology has caused the role of telecommunications to be very necessary as a support for the convenience of the community in carrying out activities. One of the positive impacts of technological developments is the internet. The internet indirectly has a major influence on the development of science and world views. PT Tokopedia is one of the companies that engaged in the technology industry, where PT Tokopedia provides online selling applications with the aim of improving the nation?s economy. This research is purposed to analyze the influence of several variable as Fulfillment, Responsiveness, Website Design, Privacy, Trust, Satisfaction, on Loyalty. In increasing the positive impact on Loyalty, the sample that is used in this research are the Tokopedia?s customers aged between 18-60 years? old that have installed the Tokopedia application online, both male and female domiciled in Surabaya that have reached the Tokopedia help center and have made transactions on Tokopedia for at least 2 times in the last two months. This research has had used 110 respondents and Amos 22.0 to process data.


  • Trust
  • fulfillment
  • Responsivness
  • Website Design
  • Privacy
  • Trust
  • Satisfaction
  • Loyalty