Earth, Energy & Environment
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Agbo, C.C., Uzoegbu, M.U. and Ikwuagwu, C.S. |
The study area falls within latitudes 10o00? and 10o30? N and longitudes 9o30? and 10o00?E. A total of thirteen soil samples from different locations were used for geotechnical analysis. The geotechnical result indicated mean plasticity index of 17.20%, mean optimum 9.30cm3, moisture content of 7.67% at mean maximum dry density of 2.50g/cm3. A mean cohesion values of 0.25cm2/kg and a mean angle of internal friction value of 30.80o suggesting very erodible of the soil. Seven Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding (VES) and fifteen Seismic refraction profiles carried out around Bauchi and its environ have been interpreted. The resistivity data were first interpreted using conventional partial curve matching technique in order to obtain the initial model parameters. The model parameters obtained were used as input into an optimizing computer program. The results obtained from VES 6 and 7 display the presence of three-layer earth model. The first layer consist loose topsoil materials; the second is weathered and/or fractured basement, while third layer is the bedrock. However, VES 1-5 display four-layer earth model, whereby the thickness of the weathered and/or fractured basement is over 19m, except VES 2 where the thickness is 8.7m. The results obtained from the fifteen seismic refraction profiles indicate also a three-layer model. The first layer represents the topsoil with an average of 146 m/s and a mean thickness of 3.1 m. The second layer has an average velocity of 1809 m/s and a mean thickness of 13.6m. This represents the weathered/fractured basement. Third layer has a mean velocity of 4496 m/s, and represents fresh basement. The results from this study will serve as background information for groundwater prospecting and subsequent exploitation.