Social Sciences & Psychology

Social Sciences & Psychology

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Leisure in Lockdown: Use of Media by University Students of Bangladesh during Lockdown and Impact on Mental Health

Volume: 67  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 04 March 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 739  ,  Download: 622
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1006711220201619


# Author Name
1 Nuzaira Tarannum
2 Tiasha Ali


Mass media has always been a helpful tool to spend leisure hours with. Because of the changed scenario due to the corona situation, many people got a lot of leisure hours with no scope of going outside. For this it is expected mass media has been a big help for many people to spend these leisure hours. This study aims to find out the frequency and usefulness of mass and social media and their impact on mental health of Bangladeshi university students during the lockdown period. The most and least used media during lockdown are using social media and reading books respectively. The study finds that reading books and watching movies have been significantly helpful for the mental health of Bangladeshi students during lockdown whereas the study has not found any significant impact of social media on the mental health of Bangladeshi university students during lockdown.


  • Bangladesh
  • lockdown
  • university students
  • leisure