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Relative concerns about the uprising level of smogin the capital area of Lahore

Volume: 65  ,  Issue: 1 , November    Published Date: 09 December 2020
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 786  ,  Download: 561 , Pages: 36 - 37    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1006511120201549


# Author Name
1 Asma Aleem
2 Maria idrees
3 Tangina Malik
4 Asiya Saif
5 Arsalan saeed


Pakistan is the most urbanized nation in South Asia (Ali, M et al.) and its second-biggest city Lahore, developing at a rate of 4% annually, is viewed as the most polluted city in Pakistan. Developed cities are potently afflicted by smog in Asia, and Lahore is no reservation. Following the example of a year ago, Lahore has once again been immersed by a shockingly substantial cover of smog, covering the whole city and negatively affecting individuals' lives. The excessive ascent in cars, unchecked deforestation, speedy urbanization, and unremitting development of industries (Sanchez-Triana, E et al.) have led to this panic condition throughout the long term.